October 03, 2013

As my title tells you, this post is going to be about my graduation ceremony. Been waiting 4 years to finally say this, "I've GRADUATED!!!!" Only people who has been through college and graduated would understand, finally obtaining a certificate in this insanely competitive world feels good. Although my certificate might be ranked the most useless Bachelors in the world, I did it, I graduated. 

Being in the arts industry has always been something I dreamt of, whatever the future might hold for me, I'm not too sure yet, but starting small is a start. Through whatever I do now, I hope that I would be able to find a clearer path and future that I would love to take. 

Thanks mum for supporting me all throughout my 4 years in college, although you didn't agree with my choice of study, putting all aside, you stood by my decision, and told me to brave on. This is all really corny and all, but without my parents, I couldn't go this far. I didn't only do this for myself, but to make my parents proud. My dad who wanted to go but accidentally got the dates mixed up, couldn't make it, and I'm sure he wanted to go, without him I might have felt lost sometimes. He was the one who carried my locker and things to school at the beginning of every semesters, and transported all the stuff back after every semesters. He helped me set-up for assessments when time permitted him to do so (and if I needed help). All in all, thank you for being the greatest parents and supporting my dreams although they seem to be so far away (and expensive dream).

With my best friend, Gail, for the past 3 years that we've known each other, from strangers to best friends, it's been my greatest honour. Thanks for being there for me throughout the last 2 years of our studies, for motivating, nagging, and helping me. It's all to make me a better student, I'm glad to have graduated together with you.

To my greatest boyfriend for being the most supportive and encouraging person towards me. For years he's come down during my assessments to help me set-up, slaving his off days and leaves away for me in school. The final year of school was the toughest because motivations were low and school just got tiring, but he's been giving me motivation, encouraging me through my final leg, and finally getting up there with my Bachelors, made me proud of myself. There's just so many things that Nigel's done for me, and I really appreciate everything. Watching me grow up might just be the most entertaining thing in his life, and being beside me all the while might me your proudest moments (maybe?), but your love for me has made me seen so much more, and grown up. Thanks love.

In celebration of graduation.. THROW THAT MOTAR CAP IN THE AIR!!!!! 

All photos taken by Nigel Ng

To all LASALLE graduates of 2013, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've all done it! It's time for us to SOARRRRRRR!

To everyone else out there who's taking your degree, at times you think you cannot do it, find hope and motivation through people you love and brave on. At the end of the journey, it's all worthwhile. You wouldn't be able to understand how proud people around you would be. BRAVE ON UNDERGRADS! 

P.s: I thank all my friends who have congratulated me over the course of time, and my friends who wanted to be there at my graduation ceremony but couldn't make it (you know who you are), I appreciate the thought. 

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