Walking stories

December 07, 2012

My christmas present arrived early, during my assessment week in fact.

The sweetest boyfriend agreed to buy me a kindle for christmas. And what I immediately did was to sign up for citibank's concierge service, that links you up to bonderlinx which gives you both a U.S address and a U.K address. This allows you to do online shopping from ANY website that doesn't do overseas shipping. 

That's like the best news for people like US staying here in little red dot. 

The catch about this is that your purchases are all paid using your citibank credit card. Then again, the shipping isn't all that expensive. To ship my dearest kindle to me, here in Singapore, I only had to pay $18. It's really not too expensive, plus even however bad the exchange rate, I'm sure getting kindle shipped from states is much cheaper than getting the kindle here in Singapore. 

Here I am, happily using my new kindle! (Ignore the fact it's still in plastic, was waiting for my screen protector to arrive)

Here's (sweetest, kindest, most lovely) me, sharing with you the best place to download free ebooks. It's got the widest selection of books. Less classics, more NY fiction/non-fiction.


(Tell me you love me..)

Then again, it's not a perfect ebook selection, I've been wanting to find "Chinese Cinderella" by Adeline Yen Ma, but I have yet to find a free (kindle format) ebook for that. So, I reach out to you, my dear readers, to share with me any websites you know where I can download free ebooks! 

Sharing is loving and caring. 

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