Busy busy busy.

April 19, 2013

School's been busy the past few weeks with all the assignment deadlines. School's ending in about 2 weeks time, and I just can't wait for it to end! Excited to go on my graduation trip with my boyfriend, excited at see my work up for graduation show, excited to get my 1st full time job. Everything about growing up seems a little bit exciting at this point in time.

The past few weeks passed in a blur. Quite a bit of over-stressing as well, so I'm taking a break this weekend, celebrate my 21st birthday like I deserve it. For the past 3 years, I haven't been able to celebrate my birthday like I deserve it because it has always been assessment week and fully stressful, but I've somehow dealt with that, and I believe I deserve that break!

Things planned for the weekend, a well deserved hair cut at Ic*n Shunji Matsuo, Century Square, birthday dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant, Pasta Inc. Everything about this weekend just sounds perfect.

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